About Us

The Way You Sell Your Property Has Been Redefined

Sell On Your Terms

The days of a Realtor coming over to your house to give you a few pieces of paper and giving you only one selling option are over.  The truth is that everyone who is selling a property has different needs?

Do you need to sell for top dollar? Do you need to sell fast? Inherited property?  Whatever the situation is, we have an option for you. 

Sell For Your Price

Highest or Best is not your typical real estate team, we are a marketing agency.  Beyond giving you multiple selling options to choose from, we provide a FULL integrated marketing campaign with every property we sell.

Ultimately the way we find the highest paying buyer or the one offering the best terms is through having the right marketing.

We stop at nothing

Every property and seller is in a different situation, we believe in creating a custom solution for each because there is no one size fits all answer.

We Love Giving Sellers Options

Your property is one of the largest investments you may ever trade or sell. This is why you need options to determine which is the best route for you.

We Take It Step-By-Step

We don’t care what you sell, we care how you sell.  It’s essential you know ALL of your options so you make the best decision for you.

We Keep It Simple

Selling your house doesn’t need to be stressful or feel like a full time job.  

Your Property. Your Investment.

Hire A Real Estate Marketing Agency

When a new product or service is created, it needs a logo, property, and marketing plan.  Your property should be no different and needs to tell a story to its new potential buyer.

We are not Realtors, we are marketers and real estate is what we market.  Listing a property on the MLS and waiting for a buyer to come is NOT a marketing plan.  

We believe each property has a story and it’s out job to tell it through video, social media, and modern day marketing, we know how to get it the exposure it needs?  Want to see how? Click that blue button right below and see how.

meet our amazing team

A Real Estate Marketing Company

We Couldn’t Do It Without Them

Mike Cuevas

Marketing Dude

Jennie Ryan

Art Director

Susan Poore

Digital Consultant

Lisa R. Boone

PPC Ninja

Rod Mikey

SEO Specialist

Edward Smith

Strategy Dreamer

Jennie Stone

Social Media

Nichole Reed

Senior Designer

Kiara Foster

Head of Content

Do You Want To Sell Your Property For Top Dollar, Better Terms, Or A Little Bit Of Both?​

Sell Your Propety On Your Terms

Highest Or Best

Learn how we helped 100 top brands gain success.

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